Links and Downloads


BC North Wales Branch
BIS (Biodiversity Information Service)
BRC Database of insects and their foodplants
British Leafminers
British Lepidoptera     (Useful website by Chris Lewis)
Butterfly Conservation
Butterfly Conservation Europe
Collection of Lepidoptera Resources
dispar The Online Journal of Lepidoptera    (some interesting articles)
Dissection Group
Dutch Leafminers
Gelechiid Recording Scheme
Find a Grid Reference
Herbaria@home Grid Ref. to Vice-County converter
Learn about Butterflies
LlĂȘn Natur (nature lore)    (Welsh language oriented wildlife website)
Micro-moth distribution maps
Montgomery Moth Group
Moths Count
The leaf and stem mines of British flies and other insects
Swedish moth website
UK Butterflies
UK Leps     (Good for larvae)
UK Moths

Photo Galleries:
Helen Bantock
Janet Graham

Recording forms:
The old moth recording spreadsheet
The new super-fast recording spreadsheet (After downloading you will probably find that macros are blocked. If this is the case then unblock macros by right-clicking on the file and selecting 'Properties'. Then, on the 'General' tab, tick the 'Unblock' option).

Butterflies of Montgomeryshire (VC47) by Douglas Boyes    (an authoritative account written by the County Recorder)
Pyralids in North Wales, H.N.Michaelis
Records of Coleophoridae in North Wales, H.N.Michaelis
Lepidoptera from the mountains of North Wales, H.N.Michaelis
Microlepidoptera found near the estuary of the River Conway, North Wales, 1964 / 68, H.N.Michaelis
The Argent and Sable and other moths associated with Bog Myrtle in North Wales, A.N.Graham

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